Tips for Parents of LGBTQ Youth

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为人父母并不总是那么容易——尤其是如果你的孩子是女同性恋, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ). In many ways no different from their peers, LGBTQ青年面临着一些独特的挑战,而家长们往往感到措手不及. 约翰霍普金斯大学的儿科医生和青少年医学专家 Errol Fields 分享你可以采取的步骤,让你的孩子快乐和健康.

Let them know they are loved

对于许多LGBTQ年轻人来说,把这个消息告诉父母是出柜过程中最可怕的部分. “Time and time again, 我们从推荐十大正规网赌平台那里听到同样的话:‘一旦我的父母支持我, I can handle anything else the world throws at me,’” Dr. Fields explains. “You’re their anchor, and your acceptance is key. In fact, 研究表明,得到家庭支持的LGBTQ青少年长大后会更快乐、更健康.”

你不需要成为所有LGBTQ领域的专家来让他们知道你关心他们. 专家说,表达爱的方式没有对错之分:只要活在当下,敞开心扉. 即使你不知道该说什么,一些简单的事情, “I'm here for you. I love you, and I will support you no matter what” can mean the world to your child.

Encourage dialogue

你可能很清楚,让你的孩子敞开心扉是不可能的. Dr. 菲尔兹说,做到这一点的最好方法是建立信任,从小事做起. Be curious about their life. Get to know their friends and what they like to do. 问问他们今天过得怎么样,在学校学到了什么有趣的东西. If it’s like pulling teeth at times, don’t be discouraged. 孩子们真的希望能够和父母谈论他们生活中发生的事情.

These conversations may seem like no-brainers, 但与孩子的世界保持联系,会让他们更容易用更大的方式接近你, more complex issues, like sexuality. 你和孩子交流得越多,他们就会感觉越舒服.

How to Get Them Talking

然而,你不能总是依靠你的孩子来发起这些交流. 当你觉得有些事情需要讨论时,试着不那么直接. 青少年往往很难谈论自己. 父母可以在一起看适合孩子年龄的电影或电视时,把孩子的朋友或角色带出来.

今天的媒体为父母提供了大量的教育机会. While it may seem less personal, 这是一个以一种不那么可怕的方式提出敏感话题的机会. For instance, if a movie has a bisexual character, spark a conversation by saying, “这部剧中的角色被男孩和女孩所吸引. That’s OK with me. What do you think?”

Learn the facts

父母可能对性别和性取向有一些误解. Empower your parenting with what experts know:

  • It’s not “just a phase.” Embrace — don’t dismiss — their evolving sense of self.
  • There is no “cure.” It’s not something that needs to be fixed.
  • Don’t look for blame. Instead, celebrate your child and all that they are.

Stay involved with the school

孩子们在教室里的时间几乎和在家里的时间一样多. 你可以做些什么来确保他们在那里也感到舒适.

  • Advocate for a gay-straight alliance (GSA)这已经被证明可以使学校更安全,并提高LGBTQ学生的学习成绩.
  • Maintain frequent contact with teachers. That way, you’ll know when issues arise.
  • Push for more inclusive sex education. 很少有州允许学校向LGBTQ学生提供安全和健康所需的信息. 要意识到这些知识空白,这样你才能自己填补它们.
  • Above all, don’t hesitate to speak up. Parents have a huge voice in the school system. You do have power. 如果有问题,而学校没有认真对待你的担忧, go to the principal or even the school board.

Look out for signs of bullying

Bullying is a problem for many students, 但LGBTQ青年尤其经常因为与众不同而成为攻击目标. 如果你看到这些迹象,请联系老师、指导顾问或学校管理人员:

  • Behavior change (e.g., your outgoing, sociable child is now withdrawn)
  • Discipline or behavioral problems in school
  • Declining grades
  • Unexplained absences
  • Sudden shifts in who’s a friend and who’s not
  • Engagement in risk behavior (e.g.(比如吸毒、新的性伴侣),这些都不适合你的孩子

Take a team approach

Providing support can be challenging at times. 感到压力、困惑或惊讶是正常的,但不要在最需要你的时候退缩. At some point, 有些家长感到不知所措,他们就会举手说, ”I can’t do it.” It’s a lot for parents to process, 但最重要的是不要让你的孩子感到孤独和无助.

“记住,你的孩子在这方面比你更困难。. Fields, “and your duty as a parent comes first.” If you’re struggling, reach out for help. Team up with a pediatrician, a counselor at school, 例如,亲密的家庭成员甚至社区组织, 同性恋者的父母、家人和朋友(PFLAG) — if you’re having trouble going it alone.

Ensure they form healthy relationships

当孩子们进入青少年时期,他们对其他同龄的男孩和女孩产生兴趣是可以的. “约会对大多数父母来说是令人生畏的,尤其是LGBTQ青少年的父母,但这是所有孩子青春期发展的重要组成部分,” assures Dr. Fields. To keep them safe, be involved and stay connected. “鼓励你的孩子以健康和适龄的方式约会, 你传递了一个强有力的信息:LGBTQ关系是正常的, and there’s nothing to hide or be ashamed of,” he explains.

Stay on top of social media

因为他们常常不愿意公开自己的性取向和性别认同, 一些LGBTQ人士依靠社交媒体和手机应用程序与他人见面. 许多社交平台和应用程序为LGBTQ青年提供了一个与朋友和盟友联系的包容性空间, 但有些(尤其是约会应用)包含不适合青少年的内容. 监控他们在设备上做什么,和他们谈谈手机和社交媒体的使用情况, recommends Dr. Fields.

"More importantly," says Dr. 菲尔兹说:“要明白,如果孩子们觉得没有人可以交谈,他们就会求助于这些应用程序. 随时准备好,这样你的孩子就不需要从别处寻求指导和支持.”

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